How Intelligent Are You?
Ashley Napoli

It is believed that you are born with a certain IQ which includes your analytical and deductive abilities. Whereas, EQ, or emotional intelligence, is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions so that you can regulate behavior and build relationships. So even though it is not easy to change your innate IQ, it is absolutely possible to grow and develop your EQ!

Emotional Intelligence can be learned and developed through different methods. At A Wakened Events, we use the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to understand self preferences and those of others so that we can interact more effectively and build relationships that enhance our lives. Learning about ourselves and our preferences affords us the opportunity to see situations more clearly. It is our greatest tool in navigating challenges at work and in our relationships.

Why is EQ so important?

There is proven research of a very high correlation between EQ and success in all aspects of our lives. This includes success in personal and professional relationships. Think about how many conflicts you could avoid if you developed better self-regulation strategies or perhaps set better boundaries. Luckily, there are tools available to move along this continuum of emotional intelligence.

What are the elements of EQ?

There are 5 components of emotional intelligence which include Awareness, Regulation, Empathy, Motivation, and Social Skills. As a participant in The Missing PEACE curriculum, you will experience real-life scenarios that challenge your thinking and allow you to apply your 4-letter type to how you might address different situations and apply your strengths to these scenarios.

For example, if you are a high “E” or extrovert interacting with an “I” or introvert, you may have to decrease the interrupting and increase the listening in order to engage the “I” in meaningful dialogue.

Unaware Extroverts can come on strong and might not even notice that they are actually pushing the introverted person away. The extrovert needs to be aware of how outgoing they are and learn how to regulate by toning it down when in social situations with an introvert. You can see how all aspects of emotional intelligence are involved in this one simple example. Once you are aware of another’s preference, you can use your social skills to regulate your behavior thus motivating the other because you have empathy for their style, resulting in building trust and a better relationship.

This is a little taste of emotional intelligence. We hope you can join us at one of our upcoming seminars to learn more about your emotional intelligence, how you can improve it and therefore increase your success and happiness in life!