The Story Behind The Brand
Ashley Napoli

What’s In A Name? 

As with a good novel, short story or speech, the title usually comes as the writer is creating or even at the end of the creation. Very rarely does a title begin the effort. And so it is with A Wakened Events. Flory has been envisioning this company for years … a company that represents her background, education and experience.  A company that empowers and connects. “And then it dawned on me as dawn does… it’s about waking up to the possibilities. It’s about being awakened to all the power that is within each of us.  I created A Wakened Events so we can all be in AWE.” - FLORY

The AWE Logo

The alarm clock is the event or aha moment that wakes us up. Metaphorically, your alarm clock might be a traumatic incident, truthful feedback or a sudden realization. Regardless of the form, it is undeniable. When the alarm clock is ringing, it demands attention.  Just as a sunrise and sunset demand attention. Sunrise asks us to refresh and sunset asks us to reflect. And so, our clock contains the sunrise and the sunset.  As you answer the alarm with A Wakened Events, you will both refresh and reflect. And knowingly, you’ll find the A W E in the middle. 


To waken simply means to become consciously aware and present in every moment. We waken when we start getting intentional about our desires and shifting our mindset. If we can understand how we navigate the intricacies of our work lives, emotional lives, spiritual lives, and relationships, we can start to get very clear on what it is that we most desire.

A Wakened Events is your opportunity to learn more about yourself and your Missing PEACE. Picture a weekend learning by the pool, meeting like-minded people and enjoying Lake Lillinonah, where you can start to visualize and manifest the kind of life that is waiting for you. This is your time to get intentional, remove resistance, and embrace change because you are ready to get what you want out of this one wild and precious life you were given. 

So come and spend a day, a weekend, or a week with AWE to take the first step toward changing your life for the better! Even if you feel like your life is already AWEsome, here at A Wakened Events, we provide the environment and the tools to help you become more aligned with your deepest desires and to overcome any obstacles that may be standing in your way. Through self-awareness practices, meditation, physical well-being, goal setting, and manifestation, we guide you through the challenges and roadblocks that are holding you back or slowing you down. So are you ready to Waken?